Want to partner with us to create smiles?
Become a Smile Sponsor Today!
We are in need of Smile Sponsors to keep the music and smiles
rockin' through the coming year and would LOVE to
partner with you to create smiles!
Some benefits of sponsoring smiles include...
Provide a LIVE concert via Facebook for a child battling cancer!
Choose to sponsor a concert for a child in your area or state----our KEYS kids are located across the US!
Reach over 20,000 concert viewers per season!
National recognition for your good works!
Recordings of the concerts are posted on our KEYS Kids Network that is broadcast to over 250 children's hospitals across the US!
We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization so all donations are tax-deductible!
Feel good knowing you are delivering music, hope and smiles to a child battling cancer and their family!
Below are the various sponsorship levels we have available and their benefits.
Scroll down and fill out the Sponsorship Form below. Once we receive your form, we will email or call you to coordinate payment of your sponsorship donation and to gather your logo so we can recognize your kindness and generosity!
Questions? Contact us at 315-363-6446 or info@thekeysprogram.org !
Thank you for your interest in creating SMILES with us!
Concert Sponsorship Opportunities!
Friend of KEYS Kids Sponsor
Donate $50
Your name will be listed on the KEYS website as a "Friend of KEYS Kids" sponsor!
Meet 'n Greet Sponsor
Donate $100
Your name/logo will be posted in one Meet 'n Greet zoom session
You will be recognized as the Meet 'n Greet sponsor in social media surrounding the session and on KEYS website
Option to sponsor a Meet 'n Greet for a KEYS kid from your area
Donate $250
Your name will be listed on the concert flyer as the co-sponsor of one concert
You will be recognized as the concert co-sponsor in social media surrounding the session and on KEYS website
Option to sponsor a concert for a KEYS kid from your area
Your name will be listed with the recorded video of the concert that is posted on the KEYS Kids Network page for kids across the country to watch after the live concert
The performer will mention your name as co-sponsor of the concert a minimum of 2 times during the concert
Concert Title Sponsor
Donate $500
Your name & logo will be listed on the concert flyer as the title sponsor of one concert
You will be recognized as the concert title sponsor in social media surrounding the session and on KEYS website
Option to sponsor a concert for a KEYS kid from your area
Your name & logo will be listed with the recorded video of the concert that is posted on the KEYS Kids Network page for kids across the country to watch after the live concert
The performer will mention your name as title sponsor of the concert a minimum of 2 times during the concert and during the Meet 'n Greet
Want to sponsor more than one concert?
We have season sponsorships with group discounts available if you'd like to sponsor more than 1 concert!
Just let us know by checking the box on the sponsorship form below!